An A to Z of our business development programmes
With a host of programmes and initiatives, we support founders, start-ups and existing companies in Berlin.
Please note: Applications are accepted in German only.
Overview of our funding programmes
Berlin Infra
Public funding for public enterprises
Public funding for infrastructure projects in Berlin
Loans of up to EUR 100 million
Term of up to 30 years
Berlin Innovativ
Our plus for your project financing
Loans to finance projects by innovative companies
Up to EUR 2m at a low interest rate
IBB provides the applicant’s bank with a 70% exemption from liability
Berlin Kapital
Sustainable business promotion through silent partnerships
Loans to finance growth through silent partnerships
Up to EUR 5m max. in co-operation with other financing partners
Improvement of the capital structure through subordination agreements
Berlin Start
Low-interest loans for people starting up in business
Loans to finance start-ups and expansion for companies that are no more than 7 years old
Up to EUR 1.5 million with a fixed interest rate
With an 80% guarantee by the guarantee bank
Berliner Innovationsfachkräfte
New know-how for Berlin-based companies
Grants for hiring university and college graduates
Up to 50% of wage costs, EUR 20,000 max. for one year
Improving the company's competitive strength
Berliner InvestitionsBONUS
Promoting investment
Grant of up to 30% for investment in business relocation, expansion, transformation, diversification, etc.
Bonus of 5% for particularly sustainable investments
Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg (BPW)
From the idea to the concept: step by step into self-employment
Structured business plan preparation in a competition environment
Support during the drafting of the business concept
Free business start-up seminars
Coaching BONUS
Coaching for companies and founders in Berlin
Grants for individual coaching
For up to 80% of costs for a maximum of 20 consultant days
Professional coaches/consultants
Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der regionalen Wirtschaftsstruktur" (GRW)
Investment grant for entrepreneurs and founders
Grants for investment in fixed assets
Support rate of up to 30%
Investment period of up to 36 months
Start-up support amounting to up to EUR 50,000 for innovative companies
Start-up allowance
Company no more than 12 months in business
50% support for start-up costs up to EUR 50,000 max.
Financing growth for small and medium-sized businesses in Berlin
Loans to finance takeovers, growth and order pre-financing as well as follow-up financing
Up to EUR 15m, interest at market rates
Loans granted in co-operation with customer’s own bank
KMU-Fonds Gründung & Wachstum
Financing for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Loans of up to EUR 10 million to finance company takeovers and growth and to pre-finance contracts in co-operation with the applicant's own bank
Loans of up to EUR 250,000 to finance start-up and growth also as direct loans
Variable loan terms with an initial grace period
Kongressfonds Berlin für nachhaltiges Tagen
Grants for sustainable professional events in Berlin
Grant for a sustainable event
Extra bonus for hybrid and decentralised events
Funding of up to EUR 35 per day per attendee participating in a professional event in Berlin
Guarantees to secure guarantees and loans
Guarantees of between EUR 1.25m and EUR 10m
Guarantee ratio up to 70% of the loan amount
Term of up to 15 years
Landesbürgschaften für künstlerische Arbeitsräume
Helping artists in Berlin to purchase working space
Support for artists
Loan guarantee to purchase, renovate or modernise working space in Berlin
De minimis support
Liquiditätshilfen BERLIN
Securing liquidity in the event of acute financing needs
Loans to co-finance the restructuring of companies in difficulty
Up to EUR 1m in co-operation with other financial backers
Presentation of a restructuring concept required
Mikrokredit aus dem KMU-Fonds
Fast loans in the case of micro-loans of up to EUR 25,000 / 50,000
Loans to finance start-ups and growths
Up to EUR 25,000 (EUR 50,000 for knowledge-intensive/innovative companies) at fair interest rates
No customary collateral
Mikrokredit aus dem KMU-Fonds
Fast loans in the case of micro-loans of up to EUR 25,000 / 50,000
Loans to finance start-ups and growths
Up to EUR 25,000 (EUR 50,000 for knowledge-intensive/innovative companies) at fair interest rates
No customary collateral
Mikrokredit aus dem KMU-Fonds
Fast loans in the case of micro-loans of up to EUR 25,000 / 50,000
Loans to finance start-ups and growths
Up to EUR 25,000 (EUR 50,000 for knowledge-intensive/innovative companies) at fair interest rates
No customary collateral
Mikrokredit aus dem KMU-Fonds
Fast loans in the case of micro-loans of up to EUR 25,000 / 50,000
Loans to finance start-ups and growths
Up to EUR 25,000 (EUR 50,000 for knowledge-intensive/innovative companies) at fair interest rates
No customary collateral
Pro FIT - Frühphasenfinanzierung
Grants and loans for innovation projects
Grants and loans for highly innovative, technological start-ups
Up to EUR 500,000 to finance launching costs
No bank collateral required
Pro FIT - Projektfinanzierung
Grants and loans for technological innovation projects
Grants and loans for technological innovation projects
Loans of up to EUR 1m and grants of up to EUR 400,000
Online financing of project-related R&D expenditure
Programm für Internationalisierung - Förderung der Netzwerkbildung
Grants for cross-border co-operation
Grants for supra-regional and cross-border networking projects
Up to 80% of the costs eligible for support
Strengthening the competitiveness of companies in Berlin
Programm für Internationalisierung - Förderung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten
Grants to open up foreign markets
Earmarked grants of up to EUR 150,000
Support covers up to 100% of costs
For booths at trade fairs and exhibitions, location representations and business delegation trips
Programm für Internationalisierung - Förderung von KMU-Projekten
Grants to implement internationalisation strategies
Earmarked grant as de-minimis aid
EUR 3.000 EUR min., EUR 12.000 max.
Support for up to 50% of costs
Programm zur Foerderung von nichttechnischen Innovationen (ProNTI) in KMU
Programme to promote non-technical innovation (ProNTI) in SMEs
Innovative SMEs and social economy SMEs
Grants for non-technical innovations
Grant of up to EUR 140,000 per project
Transfer BONUS
Funding for science and research
Grants for contracts to scientific institutions
For up to 70% of costs for a maximum of 45,000 consultant days
Knowledge transfer with regional scientific institutions
VC Fonds
Venture capital from IBB Ventures
Venture capital for innovative start-ups
Initial investment usually EUR 0.2 to EUR 1m
Minority interest in companies with high growth prospects
Wirtschaftsnahe Elektromobilität (WELMO)
Promoting electromobility
Grants to promote electromobility
Up to EUR 8,000 for each commercial electric vehicle purchased
Up to EUR 30,000 for each newly installed charging point
Zwischenfinanzierung von Filmproduktionen
Loans and guarantees for film financing
Loans and guarantees for interim financing of film productions
Up to EUR 3.75m with a fair risk-based interest rate
Joint financing with ILB
IBB Business Support Guide
The annual “Business Support Guide” is the indispensable compendium for anyone seeking information about starting up a business or looking for funding.