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Berlin Kapital

Sustainable business promotion through silent partnerships

Are you an entrepreneur in Berlin? Do you want to continue shaping a successful future for your company? Do you want to improve your capital structure or finance growth? Our 'Berlin Kapital' programme helps you achieve your goals in the form of company investments.

'Berlin Kapital' at a glance

  • Loans to finance growth through silent partnerships

  • Up to EUR 5m max. in co-operation with other financing partners

  • Improvement of the capital structure through subordination agreements

  • Term of up to 10 years

  • No sectors excluded

'Berlin Kapital' in detail

    • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with one of the following legal forms: GmbH (private limited company), AG (stock corporation) or GmbH & Co. KG (private limited company with a limited partner) whose registered office/operating facility and investment locations are located in Berlin and who can demonstrate the corresponding ability to service their capital or the potential to increase their value
    • Young companies that are already successfully active in the market and have already reached break-even

    Who is not eligible for support?

    • Restructuring cases and firms in difficulty as specified by the European Commission and firms in the shipbuilding, coal and steel industries are excluded from financing.
  • Business promotion to finance growth and innovation and to improve the capital structure of projects in Berlin.

    • Mezzanine funds are made available in the form of silent participations and junior loans up to EUR 5m.
    • Additional co-financing of up to 50% by a private investor (commercial bank, equity fund, etc.) is required.
    • In the case of financing of up to EUR 1m, co-financing by an investment company is required.
    • Flexible terms of up to 10 years are possible.
    • Financing type and amount as well as the respective terms and conditions are subject to agreement from case to case.
    • Standard market participation fee consisting of an income-independent component and an income-dependent component.
    • Informal applications can be submitted in writing directly to Investitionsbank Berlin.
    • In order to apply, submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents (see checklist (german only) ). You can apply online using the application process provided on IBB’s customer portal. Alternatively, you can download your completed application form and send this by post or submit it in person.

    Please contact us at the earliest possible date. Our Customer Centre will be pleased to answer detailed questions regarding the programme and assist you with your application.

    Please note: Applications are accepted in German only.

    • Customary collateral is generally required.
    • Proof of comprehensive financing must be furnished.
    • The company investments are provided with subordination.
    • Repayment takes place at the end of the term in a repayment structure.
    • This programme can be combined with other business development programmes.

What happens next?