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IBB labour market promotion

Gruppe von drei Menschen, eine Person davon im Rollstuhl, dazwischen ein weißer Hund

Investing in people and our society

Beginning 2022, IBB expanded its portfolio with labour market promotion, a further business area dedicated to funding to secure skilled labour and promote social inclusion and education. This includes a large number of funding instruments of the Federal State of Berlin, which are co-financed from the European Social Fund Plus (ESF+/ESF Plus). These instruments invest in people, strengthen social participation and combat poverty and marginalisation. In the funding period from 2021-2027, IBB is acting as an intermediary body that supports people via various project sponsors.

Labour promotion services under the ESF+ programme

In the current 2021-2027 ESF Plus funding period, we are offering 16 funding instruments from the Federal State of Berlin that address various topics such as starting up in business, counselling, orientation, integration, (further) education and coaching. The instruments each have different terms. The capital city of Berlin has around EUR 143 million at its disposal for the 16 funding instruments. The induced funding volume, including national co-financing, is expected to total around EUR 360 million.

IBB will act as a so-called intermediary body throughout the entire programming period, subject to the existence of the budgetary requirements in the Federal State of Berlin and approval of the ESF+ programme by the European Commission. Funding is provided through project sponsors who implement the measures for the relevant target groups.

Importance for the Federal State of Berlin and IBB

Labour market promotion not only strengthens social cohesion, but also actively promotes independence from state transfer payments. At the same time, it helps to secure skilled labour, which in turn drives innovation in Berlin’s economy.

As a new business area, IBB is building on its many years of expertise in managing EU funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). As a federal-state business development bank, we consistently implement our motto “Working for Berlin” by supporting the federal state in its tasks and ensuring the implementation of EU funds with proven quality standards and state-of-the-art IT infrastructure.

We're here for you!

Customer service – Labour market promotion

Hotline: Mo - Fr 09:00 - 15:00 pm