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Programm für Internationalisierung - Förderung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten

Grants to open up foreign markets

Does your business-related institution want to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to gain access to foreign markets? IBB can support you as an intermediary organisation with earmarked project grants of up to EUR 150,000. Working together, we can strengthen the competitiveness and internationalisation of companies in Berlin.

'Förderung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten' at a glance

  • Earmarked grants of up to EUR 150,000

  • Support covers up to 100% of costs

  • For booths at trade fairs and exhibitions, location representations and business delegation trips

  • To open up markets and for internationalisation

'Förderung von Gemeinschaftsprojekten' in detail

  • Business-related institutions based in the Federal State of Berlin are eligible for support. These include:

    • chambers,
    • associations and
    • industry networks.
  • Projects aimed at opening up foreign markets and the internationalisation of companies, such as

    • Joint and industry information booths at fairs and exhibitions of trans-regional relevance in Germany and abroad, primarily such fairs and exhibitions that are recorded in the Berlin-Brandenburg trade fair schedule. The Berlin-Brandenburg trade fair schedule is adopted by the senate department in charge of economic affairs following consultation with the 'Strategy group on trade fairs'.
    • Location presentations as well as contact and co-operation exchanges, conferences, workshops and information events in Germany and abroad that particularly serve the economic interests of the Federal State of Berlin
    • Trips by company delegations that particularly serve the economic interests of the Federal State of Berlin.

    What is not eligible for support?

    • Support for trade fair companies is excluded.
    • Non-repayable, earmarked grant in the form of shortfall financing or, in exceptional cases, full financing
    • Funding amounts up to 100% of the eligible expenditure and totals EUR 150,000 max. The funding amount is determined for each individual case.
    • No support is available if other public grants have been received for the same funding purpose (prohibition on cumulation).
    • Applications for funding for measures contained in federal-state trade fair schedule should be submitted no later than twelve weeks after publication of the schedule.
    • Applications for funding for measures not included in the federal-state trade fair schedule should be submitted no later than six weeks before the measure starts.
    • After checking the application, IBB forwards it to the senate department in charge of economic affairs for its comments and to identify the special economic interest. The foregoing does not apply to applications for joint projects within the framework of the federal-state trade fair schedule where the special economic interest of the federal state is deemed to have already been established by its inclusion in the federal-state trade fair schedule.
    • Funding can only be granted for projects that have not yet commenced at the time the application was submitted (received at Investitionsbank Berlin). The time of commencement is considered to be the time when a delivery or service agreement is signed for the project.
    • Exception: Registration for a trade fair or event, the conclusion of a contract based thereon and/or payments in this respect prior to submission of an application are not detrimental to funding and are generally eligible for funding.
    • In order to apply, submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents. You can apply online using the application process provided on IBB’s customer portal. Alternatively, you can download your completed application form and send this by post or submit it in person.

    Please contact us at the earliest possible date. Our Customer Centre will be pleased to answer questions regarding the programme and assist you with your application.

    Please note: Applications are accepted in German only.

    • Normally, the number of participating companies should be no less than five in the case of trade fair participation and no less than ten in the case of delegation trips.

    • The applicant's contribution, which may be required, e.g. contributions by participating companies, may not be financed from other public funding programmes.

What happens next?

Contact partners

We will be pleased to answer detailed questions regarding the programme and to assist you with your application.

Application process

You can submit your application for this product along with the relevant documents on IBB’s customer portal (german only) or print out the application and send it by post.


Customer support

Business Development

  • Telephone: +49 (0) 30 / 2125-4747
  • Email: wirtschaft@ibb.de