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Pro FIT - Projektfinanzierung

Grants and loans for technological innovation projects

Are you an entrepreneur looking to implement technological developments? Or do you work at a scientific institution and are planning to carry out an R&D project in co-operation with a company? Our practical online financing will help you to implement your ideas during all phases of the innovation process.

'Pro FIT - Projektfinanzierung' at a glance

  • Grants and loans for technological innovation projects

  • Loans of up to EUR 1m and grants of up to EUR 400,000

  • Online financing of project-related R&D expenditure

  • Financing for up 80%

'Pro FIT - Projektfinanzierung' in detail

    • SMEs: alone or together with companies or research institutes
    • Non-SMEs: only in conjunction with SMEs and research institutes
    • Research institutes: only in conjunction with at least one company

    with their place of business or an independently organised facility in Berlin.

  • Support is available for single and combined projects in the phases of industrial research, experimental development as well as production development, market preparation and market launch.

    Support is provided specifically for:

    • Project-related personnel expenditure
    • Third-party services
    • Material expenditure
    • Registration of intellectual property rights
    • Expenditure related to market launch and market preparation
    • Indirect project expenditure
  • Depending on the innovation phase, online financing is granted in the form of non-repayable grants and/or low-interest loans.

    • Loan of up to EUR 1 million
    • Grants of up to EUR 400,000
    Chart for 'What kind of support is available?'

    Maximum support percentages for project expenditure eligible for support total up to:

    Industrial research phase

    • 80% (including the SME and collaboration bonus) as a grant

    Experimental development phase

    • 40% as a grant only in the case of research institutes collaborating with other parties
    • 25% as a grant only in the case of large enterprises collaborating with other parties
    • 80% max. as a loan only in the case of SMEs

    Production development, market preparation and market launch phase

    • 80% max. as a loan only in the case of SMEs
    • Loans have a term of up to 8 years.
    • The interest rates are based on KfW’s terms for innovation financing and take into account project and company-related risks as well as collateral. An additional interest reduction of 0.25% is also available to small companies.
    • The loan is normally secured by pro-rata absolute guarantees by the relevant shareholders. Guarantees can be waived if the shareholders contribute a reasonable share towards project and/or company financing.
    • Loans for establishing production, market preparation and market launch are granted as de-minimis assistance. The subsidy value is calculated on the basis of the interest reduction for the approved loan. This may result in a limit to the loan amount.
  • Chart of the application procedure
    • In order to apply, submit the completed application form along with the supporting documents (see checklist (german only) ). You can apply online using the application process provided on IBB’s customer portal. Alternatively, you can download your completed application form and send this by post or submit it in person.
    • As soon as the application has been received, the project can commence at the applicant’s own financial risk. The main risk in this case is that the project may not qualify for support or may not be seen to be worthy of support. Furthermore, the 'Pro FIT' financing offered may differ in terms of type and amount from what was stated in the application.
    • Based on the documents submitted, a technical and market-related evaluation is carried out by two external experts. Given a positive outcome of the examination, the possible project financing (type and amount) is determined, and the applicant is requested to submit further documents for the commercial assessment to be carried out by IBB.
    • The approval committee decides at monthly meetings whether to grant support, as well as on the terms and conditions for each specific case.
    • IBB also provides an advisory service for applications. IBB commissions external experts and specialist project sponsors for the purpose of confidential evaluation, qualification and supervision. The completeness and quality of the documents submitted strongly influence the time it takes to process and decide on the application.
    • In the case of group projects, application documents must be completed by each project partner. The project description, however, must be drawn up jointly by all of the project partners.

    Please contact us at the earliest possible date. Our Customer Centre will be pleased to answer detailed questions regarding the programme and assist you with your application.

    Please note: Applications are accepted in German only.

    • The requirements that apply to the innovative character of a project in 'Pro FIT' differ depending on the innovation phase. In the case of research projects, the state of the art must be surpassed. In the case of projects related to experimental development and production setup, market preparation and market launch, the USPs of the products, processes or services are particularly important.

    • From the idea to the product, the project passes through various innovation phases, each of which has its own risks and is financed as needed. That's why grants are provided for research projects whereas projects in experimental (i.e. product/marketnear) development, production setup, market preparation and market launch are supported with loans.

    • Decisions regarding project financing under the 'Pro FIT' programme are generally made in monthly closed committee meetings or in a written circulation procedure.

      Who is on the approval committee?

      The approval committee is made up of one representative each from the senate department in charge of economic affairs (Chair), Investitionsbank Berlin (IBB), the Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the Berlin Chamber of Skilled Crafts (HWK). Furthermore, the technical experts involved in the projects are entitled to vote.

    • No. 'Pro FIT' is financed by the revolving 'Pro FIT' fund. Budget freezes in the Federal State of Berlin have no impact on the funding and disbursement activities under this programme. The 'Pro FIT' fund is financed by federal-state and ERDF funds as well as from repayable subsidies (loans). This provides our customers with security for planning and payout.

    • Independent, external technical experts perform a technical examination and evaluation of the projects submitted to Investitionsbank Berlin also with a view to their implementation. As part of this technical assessment, the experts assign the work contents to the different innovation phases which form the basis for determining the type of financing (grant and/or loan). The approval committee can determine that the technical experts are to accompany the implementation of the project.

    • No. We are convinced that we have explained the procedure clearly. The application documents provided by us along with the programme information are useful and help to ensure that applications can be successfully submitted. However, if you have any questions, we recommend that you contact our Customer Centre at an early point in time and that you make use of this free service.

    • It is possible to combine the project financed with funds from other programmes, however, this usually leads to a reduction in funding because the maximum support and assistance permitted by the European Commission may not be exceeded.

What happens next?

Contact partners

We will be pleased to answer detailed questions regarding the programme and to assist you with your application.

Submit an application

You can submit your application for this product along with the relevant documents on IBB’s customer portal (german only).


Customer support

Business Development

  • Telephone: +49 (0) 30 / 2125-4747
  • Email: wirtschaft@ibb.de