Diana Driesener
Investitionsbank Berlin
Bundesallee 210
10719 Berlin
- Telephone: 030 / 2125-3825
- Email: Diana.Driesener@ibb.de
Helping artists in Berlin to purchase working space
Do you lack the security needed to take out a loan and purchase your working space? IBB supports artists through federal-state guarantees. This support secure loans to purchase, modernise or renovate working space in Berlin.
Support for artists
Loan guarantee to purchase, renovate or modernise working space in Berlin
De minimis support
only without other forms of collateral
Professional artists or groups of artists with a working facility in Berlin.
Before submitting a formal application to the financing bank, please contact the Senate Department for Culture and Europe regarding its assessment and pre-examination. The application for a federal-state guarantee is formally bound to the bank, i.e. the borrower submits its application to IBB as agreed to with the financing bank. The borrower’s bank supplements the guarantee application with its own report on the borrower and the project to be financed.
Please note that an application fee is due and payable when you submit your application to IBB.
Please contact us at the earliest possible date. Our Customer Centre will be pleased to answer detailed questions regarding the programme and assist you with your application.
Please note: Applications are accepted in German only.
Diana Driesener
Investitionsbank Berlin
Bundesallee 210
10719 Berlin